We are a group of young engineers with passion and strong believe that life can be lived the way we want it. We love to have fun and yet we always take our work seriously. We are now set on a mission!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

BIG Pitch!

Thank you so much to those of you who came to help, invest and support Cup Chatter during the BIG Pitch!

Cup Chatter's Booth (Design by Miss Adeline Khoo; Picture thanks to Miss Lim Shwe Ying)

It was a wonderful day, where we were the first company to pitch, setting the bar for the other companies. After everybody had presented, the booths were finally open and the sales of shares began.

For more pics find us on Facebook by clicking here.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

We're on MYC!

Good news, Cup Chatter is in the May issue of the MYC magazine. We're on page 29, go grab a copy of it or click here to view the online version.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Come & Experience Cup Chatter

Watch out for Cup Chatter over the coming two weeks as we will be participating in a few different events.

Firstly, there are the previews organized by Money Tree over the coming two weeks, please see below for more info. The previews will be where investors get an introduction of what we are about.

6th May 2010
  • 7.30pm - 8.30 pm @ 32 Square
8th May 2010
  • 11.00am - 12.00 pm @ 32 Square 
  • 2.30pm - 3.30 pm @ 32 Square 
11th May 2010
  • 7.30pm - 8.30 pm @ 32 Square 
13th May 2010
  • 7.30pm - 8.30 pm @ 32 Square
Next, Cup Chatter will be participating in the MoneyTree Idea Exchange (MIX) event. Mix is a platform for youths to showcase their abilities and talent in pitching their business ideas to investors. Teams will be given 210 seconds to pitch their ideas and then a five minute Q&A session. The MIX winner will stand a chance to win RM1,500. Mix will be held every month. This month, the details of the MIX event is as below.

Date: 7th May 2010
Time: 7.30pm - 9.30pm 
Venue: PJ Live Arts Studio

Lastly, the BIG Pitch. The BIG Pitch is the next stage of the Maybank Money Tree YES Challenge. The BIG Pitch is where teams are given 12 - 15 minutes to convince investors to buy shares in their companies added on with at 5 - 8 minutes Q&A session. After the presentations, teams will open up booths where investors can purchase shares immediately. Details of the BIG Pitch are as below.

Date: 15th May 2010
Time: 9.30am - 2.30pm
Venue: Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club

With so many events lined up, come and supports us! Also, don't forget to purchase shares before they get sold out. This is a once in a life time opportunity to you to be part of this company, Cup Chatter.

Hurry, contact me @ nicholas.ong.soon.keat@gmail.com for more info on these events and book your place. You don't want to miss out on this. See you there!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

First Public Appearance

On the 25th of April 2010, Cup Chatter (formerly known as Crimson Concept) made its first proud public appearance at Ikano’s Earth Day Carnival organized by OUCH media. We gave out free drinks to the visitors of the carnival. The drinks went like hot cake as only within few hours it was all taken up.
It was definitely a great start for us at Cup Chatter as many gave good feedback and ways to improve what we are doing to better suit the public. Cup Chatter’s recycling/redemption programme was an instant hit as every cup was eventually returned back to our booth to be recycled!
I personally felt overwhelmed at the whole experience as people were giving us the thumbs up for what we were doing and this got our spirit up. Huge thanks to Jessica, Chen Chow and Ju Win for coming down and supporting us at the event. Their presence was very important in getting the ball rolling!!
All in all, it was an awesome day despite being exhausted, we all went back with a huge smile knowing that putting our hearts (and effort) together, we could really make this big. Will also like to thank Mr. Kenny Phang from Ouch Media for his guidance and without him, we could not have carried out our pilot project successfully.
So do look out for Cup Chatter at places near you as we will be coming over real soon. For those of you who have signed up, we will have you updated real soon =)
(p/s : Pictures of the events are coming soon, so come back and check us out!)
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