We are a group of young engineers with passion and strong believe that life can be lived the way we want it. We love to have fun and yet we always take our work seriously. We are now set on a mission!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Start of the Journey

The journey started when we agreed to sign up for the Maybank-Money Tree YES Challenge.

The Maybank-Money Tree YES Challenge is a unique challenge for youths; where each group has to come up with a business plan and submit the executive summary of their business plan to be brutally evaluated by the panel of judges. If the group gets through the shortlisting process, the group will be provided a mentor to guide them in actually implementing their business plan. Before they actually implement their business plan, they will be given a chance to solicit funds by selling shares of their company.

This will be a very valuable journey to us as we will be exposed to the business world and how to actually start up a business.

On the 17th of January 2010, we attended the Maybank-Money Tree YES Challenge 1 Day Training. The training was done by Mr. Wong Yu Vee and Mr. Brandon Liew and was basically broken down into three, they are:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Recognizing an Opportunity
  • Writing an Elevator Pitch and Executive Summary
It was a fruitful day for us as all of us in our group are engineering students. Due to this, there were many things that we did not know before this. Things such as the two different business risks and what an elevator pitch is. During the training, we were asked questions for a chance to win some Money Tree money which will be used later on to purchase consultation with Mr. Wong Yu Vee, Mr. Brandon Liew or Mr. Michael Reyes.

Since then, our group has set down for a few meetings now. We had our brainstorming session where many ideas were produced and then came the scrutinizing of the ideas where we narrowed it down to six ideas. Then, we wrote the elevator pitch for each idea and had it mailed to Mr. Wong Yu Vee to obtain his feedback on the ideas.

After getting his feedback, we finally chose one idea and we are now working on the executive summary and ways on how to solidify our business idea to become a multi-million dollar business.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome All

We a group of young professionals who have embarked on a life changing journey, the Maybank Money Tree YES Challenge. We will update our journey as we progress further. We will unveil our journey in our next post so do stay tuned to it.

Lets Make It Happen


This blog is a web log of our progress on Cup Chatter's Maybank Money Tree YES Challenge. To find out more on the Maybank Money Tree YES Challenge, click here.
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